ROUTLEY, Nancy Doreen: July 22, 1928 - October 11, 2014. Born in Regina and raised in Burnaby, Nancy was petite in stature and resolute in her independence. From yoga to raising sheep, bookkeeping to Reiki, Nancy would teach herself to do what was needed. When in retirement she revealed a talent for painting Western art, we were awed but perhaps not surprised. She embodied patience and serenity, and expected perfection in no one but herself. She shared her life with her love, Art. Together they raised Nancy's younger sister Judy before their daughter Carey was born. Nancy was a woman comfortable in the country, but beguiled by the Hawaiian Island of Molokai. Quiet mornings lured Nancy to her garden or for coffee with her son-in-law Peter, while ideal evenings included sunset drinks with Carey or a game of Skip Bo with Judy. Her granddaughters were an essential part of every moment. Nancy maintained an active life with her many friends and family including dear friend Eleanor Vernon of Kamloops - their friendship lasting 80 years. Besides all of her wonderful friends, Nancy is survived by her loving daughter Carey, son-in-law, Peter DeMeo, and two granddaughters, Andrea and Sophia; her brother Jack and his family (Ross, Kelly, Tari and Phil); sister Judy, her husband Tony Lloyd, sons Rudy (Sarai) and Ryan (Sabrina) and Judy's stepchildren Dennie (Peter) and Michael (Louise); nephew Robin Hampshire (Gail) and their family. Nancy suffered a stroke during lunch at her favourite watering hole. She was surrounded by love and listening to Hawaiian music when she took her last breath. When you next see a beautiful sunset, please raise your glass and think of Nancy. We are sure she's with Art, sitting on the beach in Molokai, enjoying a drink together. There will be no funeral service - just lots of wonderful memories.